Tag Archives: parkwood

The Ministry of Arts & Culture Should Protect Us

As artists, we are only valued for what we can contribute, not how we can sustain ourselves. The Ministry of Arts & Culture should protect us. So many artists die broke and it is not because they don’t have enough information it is because the arts aren’t prioritised and they need to be. Imagine a party without music, it wouldn’t be a party, right? So many people back away as soon as rights are mentioned, artists are being ripped off all the time, left, right and centre. 

(Monishia Schoeman aka Eavesdrop)

Parkwood Maximum Balloon

I was all set to go for a jog just now. And right when I got dressed for it and did my warming up things it started pissing down with rain. Yes, pissing down…  So here I am, all set with Adidas and Asics ready to go. Guess not. It seems like a good opportunity to blog a little about last Tuesday’s photo shoot. What can I tell you, I had a great time. I met Miss Eavesdrop at her home in Parkwood and we just wandered around her neighborhood stopping randomly at different places to take pictures. Places that appealed to me for whatever reason; a big 28 sign on a house, a concrete playground, beautiful red earth with a blue truck on it. Stuff like that. Whatever works, right?  
I had never been to Parkwood and that’s totally one of the best things about what I do; I get to go places I otherwise wouldn’t go and I gave a chance to meet all sorts of cool people. It’s awesome:-)
 On photo shoot days you never know if you’ll end up crawling along train tracks, inside a burnt out train or have your model’s feet eaten by pigs:-) And all that not in Holland. Wish I could stay forever!
I submitted a final selection of 6 images to The New Landscape exhibition on Monday afternoon. Picked the last 4 together with Dylan Culhane, co-owner of the gallery and a keen photographer himself. It’s cool to get some feedback and I am glad that one of my favorite images ended up in the exhibition. It’s a rather close up shot of a man and at first glance it doesn’t seem to fit the theme “The New Landscape” at all but as Dylan said you can almost see into the guy’s head and it’s like a psychological landscape.
I like that:-)
And yes, those 5 must do’s of this week? Have done 4 and will do the last one tomorrow. Made it:-)
Off to We Love Real Beer at the Biscuit Mill this afternoon.
See you there maybe. KaBam!